
"It's totally not hot"

My Obsession with Paris Hilton

Since I first saw the Simple Life I have been fascinated with Paris Hilton, it's not that I look up or even remotely want to be like her, it's more amazement, perplexion, bewilderment and other words meaning similar states of puzzlement. Honestly, the girl speaks in phone slang... TTNY (talk to you never), OMG (oh my god) and LOL (laugh out loud) which makes her sound as if she has the IQ of a turnip.

You would think that a person with that amount of money would be content with indulging in life's pleasures without having the need to have the whole world following her every move, which the world already does anyway. Was it really necessary for her to go to a farm and also show that same world how stupid she is? Apparently so. Also she found it necessary to binge drink in front of paparazzi and (most importantly) run around in skimpy skirts with no underwear. Best of all is the way she then doesn't understand why people don't take her seriously! (OMG!) I mean, she is “an American socialite, heiress, media personality, model, singer, author, fashion designer and actress” according to her Wikipedia entry.

Her latest achievement has been, after putting her team to work, to find a new BFF (best friend forever) in My New BFF, as for unknown reasons all her other pals have either tried to nick her boyfriends or have not been there for here at times of mayor crisis. This just goes to show that even celebrities have it difficult in life! Here the concept was to find a group of young people, stick them in a house for a few weeks in front of loads of cameras. All this televised, of course, so to be sure that she will find a trusting new friend that is not there for the fame. The bunch of freaks they choose for this deserve their own entry all together.

I would like to believe that all this is a publicity stunt, an elaborate masterplan to control us all. But I seriously doubt it, as a friend told me recently “you have to be clever to be evil”.


ContemPOPranea '09

Contempopránea es un festival acho de música pop que se celebra todos los veranos en Alburquerque, (Badajoz). En él se reúnen año tras año numerosos artistas de la escena indie española, y millares de seguidores.


i'm ready!



Sigo convencida de que los juguetes cobran vida por las noches, si no, ¿quién esconde los calcetines que me faltan?


Proceso Creativo

Todo nace de una semillita que va germinando hasta que crece, un poquito cada vez, y aparece lo que menos te esperas; cada día me convenzco más de que tienen vida propia.


Estas dos monadas están en pleno proceso, pronto se podrán lucir para que agujereen las camisetas.

Chapas Tribus Urbanas, Cuál es la tuya?


Spiraling donward towards rock bottom,
all is good.

Once you hit it, all will be better.


Why does it snow?

Snow begins in the atmosphere as water condenses into a tiny droplet. As more and more water vapor condenses onto its surface, the droplet grows. Cold air then freezes this water into an ice crystal. As it descends, the ice crystal can come into contact with warmer air that makes it melt somewhat. This melting acts like a glue, causing crystals to bond together into larger flakes.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva
